On Being Alison

Oh hey.

So yesterday I sat down to collect my thoughts and compose a blog post; recently,  I’ve sat down and started and then deleted at least ten different posts. But yesterday, fueled by a delicious Japanese hibachi lunch I shared with my beloved gym friends, I typed and emoted and typed some more. As you have come to expect, it was a brilliant piece of writing. 😉

And then it disappeared.


Here one minute; gone the next.

I’d attempt to rewrite it, but I already forgot what I wrote. And, it’s never good the second time around, anyway.

Instead, I’ll fill you in on my life via bullet points.

  • We have a place to live in Hawaii. I cannot pronounce the street name, which, during the house finding process, was one of my biggest concerns.  The name of our street is also the name of Caroline’s new school.  Until I get a  handle on the Hawaiian language, I will refer to them both as K street and K elementary school.    It’s the right thing to do.
  • Our new place allows pets.  Caroline can get a cat!  It makes me feel good (and less guilty) knowing that amid the shakeup of a mid-year move to a place so far away from our friends and family, she can have something she’s wanted for so long.
  • My sister is visiting again this weekend.  We’re going to do the touristy thing.  And eat cupcakes….because….
  • Saturday is my birthday.  Even though I had a firm discussion with November 17th six years ago, when I said, ‘hey, you’re great and all and I’ve happily welcomed this day 30 times, but please don’t come around again, EVER,’ it didn’t listen.  It appears that November 17th is as stubborn as me.
  • As part of my birthday festivities, I’m running a local 5k Saturday morning.  I’m excited because 5ks are quick and don’t require much preparation.  Also,  I haven’t run one for time since my first race 4.5 years ago.  I’ve run many 5ks since then, but always with little people in tow.  It’ll be fun.  My speedy friend is coming, too.  She’ll be done, cooled down and eating her post race snack before I cross the finish line.
  • I am currently obsessed with finding a green tote/purse/handbag.  Apple green.  Not mint green or forest green. Apple.   It’s proving to be harder than I had hoped; mostly because, evidently, I have very expensive taste.  My (non) midwestern sensibilities and pragmatism overrides my desire to tote around a stylish, yet functional, designer apple green bag, so for the time being, I remain without.  It’s really quite tragic.  As you could imagine.
  • We leave for Hawaii next week.  In fact, we will eat our Thanksgiving dinner with the crashing waves in the back ground.  I’m excited for the new opportunity, but at the same time, I’m scared to think about the adjustment phase.

So, instead of thinking about how sad I am to say hello to 36 and say good bye to my friends, I will focus my attentions on finding the perfect apple green handbag.

Avoidance, it’s how I cope.

4 responses

  1. Hi Aunt Alison! It’s Brody- ask Caroline why she doesn’t want chickens? 😉 my mom says hi and really wishes she could see you all before you leave. Me, too. my brothers are no good at paper football. We’ll all come visit when you get to Hawaii. Is that new place big enough for all your in-laws?

  2. I hope you had a nice birthday! At least you got to have your favorite sister there with you to celebrate 🙂

    Avoidance is how Marc copes too, seems to work out ok for him. The funny thing is, I tryyyyyy to tackle things head on while Marc sits back and avoids. For some strange reason, things just seem to work out perfectly for Marc all the time and me . . . . well . . . it’s hit or miss. The moral of the story, things are going to work out perfectly for all of you Smiths 🙂

    Have safe travels tomorrow. Bring a nice 10-hour long book or maybe write a blog an hour. More importantly, enjoy your Thanksgiving and enjoy your new kitty cat.

    • Hi Jen. If there is one thing I’ve learned is that now matter how we approach things, everything generally works out. I avoid, but then I reach the point where I get tired of avoiding and just do it. I really hate being an adult.

      Happy thanksgiving to the Watsons and Fiamemgos!
