
It bugs me so much that my poor sad little blog has been so neglected these past few months.  But, what’s a girl to do when she doesn’t have anything interesting to say?  We haven’t done anything fun lately; I don’t think I’ve picked up my camera in weeks; I haven’t baked anything besides Trader Joe’s boxed brownie mix in quite some time.

Sad, pitiful, uninspired life.

Honestly, all I’ve done lately is go to the gym, shuffle Caroline to soccer practice, actively refuse to plan, plot or think about our impending move, and shop at Target.   After yesterday, my fourth trip to Target in six days, I decided enough was enough and have hereby declared I need to stay the heck out of Target for a while.  It’s like a sickness, or something.  Also, I’ve been on a printing Internet coupons kick, which is only further fueled by the great selection of printable coupons Target offers on its website.  Naturally when one prints awesome coupons, one MUST redeem them.  Don’t want to waste precious, expensive computer ink, right?

By my fourth trip to Target in six days, I nearly exhausted my coupon stash yesterday, so I’m choosing to not visit the home of the  red bulls eye for a little while.  Or, you know, until the new Sunday sales ad comes out and I’m lured in by something pretty.

But just so you know, most everything I bought was either on clearance or with a coupon…..or both.  I’m still a bargain shopper all the way, however, stuff is stuff, most of which is unnecessary.  It’s funny how I go on these massive decluttering missions and then go shopping and come home with all sorts of stuff to replenish the hole I made during my previous manic decluttering rampages.

It’s just really hard to pass up $1.80 shirts for Caroline.  And, I bought a pair of crop jeans that make my butt look REALLY good.  Since those types of items only come along once in a blue moon, it would have been unforgivable (and perhaps sinful?) to have passed them up.

Can I get an amen?

The next few weeks are pretty busy with a strings concert, soccer, the end of school (so sad!), soccer tournament, saying good bye to TWO friends (even sadder!) and a guest appearance by that husband of mine, who I talk about, but no one ever sees.

Happy Thursday, everyone!


3 responses

  1. I was going to encourage and support your choice to buy those butt enhancing crop jeans, but then I realized that would make me an enabler. Instead, I will say, it sounds like lots of exciting stuff coming up! Yeay!*

    • I’m happy to report that I did not go to Target today. Hooray for me. I did, however, spend $$$$$ at the grocery store. I had to buy Craig food, which is decidedly unAlison food. He cannot live on chickpeas, salad and chocolate alone.

  2. I’m very much the same way… I print coupons, then they must be used, then I have stuff again that I need to get rid of. It’s a vicious cycle, huh? I always try to keep in mind that I don’t want anything in my house that I don’t absolutely NEED or absolutely LOVE. And I say shirts for your kid and pants that make your but look good probably fall into one of those categories. So Amen!
